Important Special Free Event Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 5:30 PM PDT, 8:30 PM EDT (maximum 100 attendees)
If you are going to take the NAC OSCE exam in May or Sep. 2022 or have not been very successful in your previous attempts at taking the NAC OSCE, make sure to attend our free weekly online session tomorrow, because it would be a special one.
In this session, one of our brilliant and successful students who scored 3 SD above the pass score will answer questions and share her insights and tips for success in the NAC OSCE exam.
Like our other weekly sessions, we will have practice/feedback and Q & A as well.
If you don’t want to miss this session, please schedule it in your calendar and attend early.
The link for joining the session on Tue, Mar. 29 at 5:30 PM PDT/8:30 PM EDT is:
Looking forward to seeing you soon!