The following instructions should be followed for using both our NAC OSCE course and the trial of the course. Since you are going to use the trial now, you will not need to go through the following steps again if you decide to join us after the trial. In that case, the process will be very simple and you will be able to use the materials on a mobile device as well.
To use the course content on your computer (Windows preferred over Mac for trial because of simplicity):
Please login to your Gmail account and follow all the following steps:
- Download the compressed (zip) file containing the videos of the course here to your computer (not to your Google drive). You need at least 6 GB of storage on your computer for downloading the course videos. If you are short of storage, you may consider freeing up some space on your computer by uploading your content to Google drive as it provides 15 GB of storage free of charge. Connecting your computer to your router with an ethernet cable will speed up the process of downloading the videos (not essential though). After downloading the file to your computer, open (unzip) it and click on extract all (or extract to) to extract the files to a folder on your computer.
Those who use Mac computers may need additional software to open (unzip) the zip file of the videos and documents after downloading them to their computers. If you use a Mac computer and face an issue with unzipping the files, you may download and use a powerful software called “Decompressor” from the Mac App Store at After installing this software, do a right click on each downloaded zip file, then click on Open with Decompressor. This will unzip the files. Take note of the location of the unzipped files as you will need to locate the files in step 5 and 6 below.
- Download the compressed (zip) file containing the documents of the course here to your computer. After downloading the file, open (unzip) it and click on extract all (or extract to) to extract the files to a folder on your computer.
- Please also install one of the special video players based on your device from one of the links below. As mentioned on the website, you will need them for using the videos and documents of the course. The video player (special software) opens both videos and documents and is called SafeDRM (or SafeDRM Player or SafePlayer).
Video player for Windows computers
Video player for Mac computers (If you use a Mac computer with an OS before Mojave, you may face issues in installing/opening the video player.)
After downloading the relevant video player, please install it on your computer. You may get a warning message that the video player might be suspicious. Please disregard this message as this software has been safe in our tests and our students have been using this software with no issues. If the message is from Windows Defender, click on more info or learn more followed by run anyways. If you use Microsoft edge and downloading this software remains incomplete because of the warning message, please click on the 3 dots on the top right and then click on Keep.
- Once the SafePlayer is installed, open it (you may see a shortcut on your desktop) and put the following login information into the software while connected to the internet. We will email your Username and Password to you shortly. a. Username: b. Password: c. Vendor ID: 53
This will open the SafePlayer (also called RisePrecision Player) where you will see two items on the right side: “Course videos” and “Course documents”.
5. Next, do a right click on “Course videos”, then click on “Add Folder” (in Windows, or something similar or Open in Mac) and choose the folder where you have extracted the videos of the course. This will add all videos of the course to the Player.
6. Then, do a right click on “Course documents”, and click on “Add Folder” (in Windows, or something similar or Open in Mac) and choose the folder where you have extracted the documents of the course. This will add all documents of the course to the Player.
Now, you can disconnect from the internet and use the course videos and documents. If you want to log out of the SafePlayer, click on the icon on the top right next to the Activation Code and click on log out. In that case, you will need to log in to the SafePlayer while connected to the internet to use the course again later.
You may start the course by reviewing lesson 1-3 (a document) which is a diagram that serves as guide/roadmap for using the course and preparing for the exam. It is included in the documents of the course and you will need to use it throughout the course. Reviewing lesson 1-1 (course curriculum) is also helpful at the beginning.
During your active subscription, once a new lesson/update is created, it will be shared with you at no additional charge.
If you face any issues in extracting the zip files or opening the files by the SafePlayer, please restart your computer 1-2 times before seeking our help as this may resolve your issue. Please note that if any software with the ability of taking a screenshot or recording screen is running in the background of your computer (e.g. snipping tool, One Note, etc.), the Player will not work. If Zoom or another online meeting software/app is running in the background of your computer, you will need to close it before using the course as well because they have a conflict with the SafeDRM too.
If there are any issues in this process or you have any questions, please let us know at If you decide not to join us after the trial, you may delete the course content and uninstall the software from your device. In that case, we welcome any feedback that you may have for us as well.
A few points about our live weekly practice sessions:
Our live weekly practice sessions are currently held on Fridays and Sundays at 6 PM Pacific (Vancouver)/9 PM Eastern (Toronto) time. The recordings and notes of Friday sessions are shared with the current group of students (to respect the privacy of our students, the recordings are not included in the free trial, but you will be given access if you decide to join us).
The Friday sessions (1.5-2 hours) usually consist of interaction in 1-2 scenarios (one of the attendees plays the role of physician and Dr. Vahid or an SP plays the role of patient and others observe/listen). It is followed by feedback, questions/answers and contributions. The previous sessions are reviewed at the beginning of each session as well (presenting patients/findings and discussing the key points).
The Sunday sessions (1-1.5 hours) consist of interaction in one new scenario and redoing one of the cases of prior Friday session. Redoing the cases of Fridays helps our students integrate and implement everything they learn in practice and in a more organized way until they master their clinical skills and time management.